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Gymnastics for Beginners at Home

By Debbie Lechtman, AZ Central, 07/30/18, 12:00PM PDT


Tuck your head in close to your chest, push your feet off the ground and roll forward. Make sure the area around you is clear so you don't bump into anything.

Learning new gymnastics skills is exciting, even when you're just a beginner. Of course, gymnastics can also be dangerous, so if you're tempted to flip, tumble and twist at home, you have to do so very carefully. You should only try basic skills that you're comfortable with. Don't tumble in anyone's way and make sure to clear the area for furniture or other things that could hurt you.

Step 1

Jog for about 10 minutes to warm up. If you don't have a big enough yard, you can try jogging up and down the stairs for a good workout.